January 18, 2012


i got mad messes!i got mad messes!i got mad messes!i got mad messes!i got mad messes!
My house never looks like this, at least not for very long, and these are our messy kid room pictures taken a couple weeks ago. This is what their rooms look like most of the time. I cleaned it up, but now it looks like that again, but even worse! I will probably try to clean them out again today, but the key word is try. I said that yesterday too and obviously never got to it.

I appreciate all the kind your words all have given in the previous posts. This post also resonated well with me and it helped me understand this crazy time and how I can rejoice in God through it. Though I probably will complain more than rejoice, but that is a work in progress too.

I think I have spent time regretting that I am not enjoying every single second cause a lot of these seconds with little ones are hard, busy, trying to keep your head above water moments. That's the truth about parenting. It's hard. No one said it was going to be easy. You have these hard moments all day long, but then you also have moments that make you just be in awe at your kids. I love these in awe moments a lot! I am here to serve my family and will continually ask God to help me with that.

And I am thankful that I can share what God has been churning in my heart with you all, I think that is the wonderfulness of sharing in this space. Also, I learn from the wisdom you all share too!

Okay, promise a more lighthearted post soon. Now, I am off to put on my chef hat for my daughters!

On an unrelated note, my friend and photographer Ica from Ica Images will be in SoCal soon and from January 24-31 she will be having a "Southern California Special" family shoot, maternity session, any kind of shoot you can think of for $75! She can even teach you the basics of your DSLR as she taught me how to use mine! If interested just shoot her an email at ica.images@gmail.com.

And don't forget my giveaways!


  1. At least your mess is so bright and colorful! Really, it is quite a pretty mess. :)

  2. katie- it doesn't feel pretty! ;)

  3. I wish you have better days to come and I'm sending good vibes your way. What gets me through is thinking that nothing last forever and hard times/moments wont' last.

  4. I love the colors of your mess.

  5. I can totally relate to your regrets of not enjoying every single moments with the kids, Ruby. I'm a first time mom and it was a hard adjustment for me in the beginning....well, still now...everyday.. there are lessons to be learned. I regretted not enjoy my son more when he was a newborn. I was more concerned about having him sleep through the night, being on schedule, etc. I beat myself up a lot about not doing what I was "supposed to do" then later on worrying too much about what I was supposed to do. I just can’t win! ;) But you know, I figured, we are human! We simply cannot be all JOYFUL every single moment of the day! We have ups and downs and we have to give ourselves some room. I did my best. It might not be what I would do again if I can go back but it was my best at the time and I am okay with that. Live and learn. I'm trying not to be so hard on myself. At the end of the day, all of us are happy and he is alive! I must have done a pretty okay job if he's still alive, happy and healthy! LOL. :)

  6. I can't keep my own place clean and I only have one child who is a baby. I think you are doing just fine :)

  7. I'm the mother of three girls. The oldest is 4, then we have a 2 year old and the youngest is 5 months. I think we're living the same life. :) Thank you for your encouraging blog.

  8. I don't have kids, but somehow I can relate to craziness you feel. I just posted this quote on my blog."We are vessels so that God might use us. We are earthen vessels so that we might depend on God's power and not our own." (Warren B. Wiersbe)
    It has been an encouragement to me lately, maybe it will be the same for you! Haave a wonderful day.

  9. my daughters room looks exactly like yoour first picture of the drawers.. it is never ending.. dont stress.. just embrace it..lol.. at least that is what I try to tell myself as I yell at her to clean it up..lol

  10. hey mama...you are so beautiful, inside and out. you'll have to come on over and join the "mom's with messy kid's rooms club"...:)...i wish there was therapy specifically for kids who cannot/willnot/don't care to clean up:)...Anyways, love your blog as always. your girls are so sweet...and yes, embrace it all-- and be filled with patience and strength in Christ. You are a blessing, friend.


  11. Thank you for being so honest Ruby - your awareness and crying out to God are the greatest example to me! My mom gave me a book recently that she says she really, really wishes she had had when she was raising us. It's called 'Loving the Little Years,' by Rachel Jankovich, and is a thin book that a busy mom could easily get through. I'm waiting to read it til I'm in the thick of things and really needing the encouragement! I'm sure it's not too expensive to get ahold of online, if that sounds like a good read to you! (Or I'd send you one!)

  12. hi ruby,
    coincidentally, i just came across this article about the pressure to "carpe diem" as a parent. i am a first time mother who feels the same pressure to make the most of every moment. this is a tough gig but so worth it. you seem to be a great mama!


  13. A beautiful mess though! x x x

  14. I love you for this. Thank you for sharing your mess. Now I feel like less of a disaster. Oftentimes in blog reading, I get the feeling that the world out there is almost too perfect and well behaved and that I am the only mom/artist who does not fit in.

  15. But such a delightful mess! I have 3 little ones....its never, neat and perfect...but if you had 1 week left on earth, you wouldn't spend it cleaning your house 24/7...I'm so glad you seem to enjoy your life..thanks for sharing

  16. Oh my! Can so relate to this one for sure! My girls really had a blast tearing apart their playroom yesterday, and I thought I would loose my mind, but I took some deep breaths, walked away and realized it's not a big deal.. They had a blast and that I guess is really all that matters! It was all back together and organized later, ofcourse with my help! ha ha

  17. yeah, my kids rooms look like this everyday!! and why oh why do they like to pull the drawers out of the dresser????

  18. I WANT FAMILY PHOTOS!!!!! :)

    and even when it's messy, your house is still cute! we miss you!

  19. Thank-you for your honesty! Too many bloggers just share the pretty and not the real. I imagine that for a few that pretty is the real, but come on- it can't be as many as we see in the blogosphere!

    I often unsub from blogs where there's too much pretty or look at me and not enough love. I have kept with you for a good long while now because you are so real and honest and I love that you talk about God when you feel led but it's not everyday.

    Thank-you for sharing your life with us.

  20. Okay ... tell me how can you make even a mess look pretty ... I will show you my mess and it has never looked pretty like yours!

  21. Thanks for posting an honest picture of what your house is like-instead of the picture perfect house we all dream of. It makes me feel that I am not alone on this crazy journey of juggling motherhood, housework, and me time.


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