August 7, 2011

another full basket

This is our second big batch of tomatoes. The first big batch is almost all gone! We plow through these goodies like there is no tomorrow.
2nd big batch of tomatoes2nd big batch of tomatoes

And we saw a little bad boy chomping on our tomato plants. Naughty, naughty Mr. Tomato Chomper!
chomping on our tomatoes
Our weekend was just as full as this basket of tomatoes. How was yours?


  1. i wore my sanita clogs all weekend long! so comfy!

  2. awesome ! nothing like homegrown tomatos!
    hi stranger!

  3. Wow, that is quite the harvest! You guys definitely have green thumbs. Very impressive.

  4. your tomato garden is my inspiration. this year was kind of a flop for us weather wise (we are in the PNW where the sun just started coming out about two weeks ago!) but next year we are hoping to get a bigger yield. in the meantime, i am feasting on your pretty pictures.

  5. YUM! Your tomatoes look divine. Being the middle of winter in Sydney means lost of orangey not-great tomatoes. Bad for a tomato-lover like me. Such an inspiring haul you've got there :)

  6. those tomatoes look SO delicious! i love just putting olive oil and sea salt on tomatoes. so yummy. you're so lucky to have a garden! :)

  7. oh man, I saw a deLISH Jamie Oliver tomato salad with basil dressing recipe on his '30 minute meals' show last night and thought of all your colourful tomatoes...YUM!!


  8. my weekend was busy but fun! thanks for asking!

  9. those look gorgeous and SO yummy! I will be seeing you Wednesday if you happen to find you need to get rid of some, haha! I'm going to need to get some tomato growing pointers from you when we move :)

  10. I can't believe that I'm talking about tomatoes, but they are beautiful :)!

  11. You know it's so encouraging to read how healthy your family eats and that your kids love it! Today's world kids usually snack of gushers and doritos and it's nice to know that it can be done if it's done from the beginning!

  12. Oh my goodness -- those tomatoes look absolutely delicious! I love the many varieties that you have. The weekend was filled with get-togethers with people I love; busy but a blessing each day.


    I too have been bringing in baskets of tomato as you can see from my post above. They are so delicious. Iv'e been eating them with just about everything.

    I love all the pretty colored tomatos you have.

  14. Great harvesting you have their. Ours is amazing also. I see you have that naughty chomper too. hahaha. I took a picture of our caterpillar also. I call him the stinger!! (pic is on my blog).

  15. I can't believe how FAST those caterpillars eat!!! We had 2-3 last year (in New England, too)! They're hard to pull off the plant...especially when one is a little squeamish! :D

  16. i would love some recipes you use for your tomatoes. I LOVE THEM and have been filling up with them from our farmers markets - lots of variations of salads and some pasta sauce. would love to learn more! maybe a guest experience from chef mr. cakies?

  17. OOOOOHHHH!!! Your tomatos look amazing! We have been picking ours non stop! I love to see everything growing in our garden and then when we sit down to eat dinner I love saying "this is all from our garden!" We want to save our seeds and use them next year. Do you know how to do that?


    Saw that link from Real Simple on 20 fresh tomoato recipes and had to share. :)

  19. the funny thing is that we don't have any recipes to share! we just eat them like this! pop them in our mouths like grapes and eat the big ones like apples. we haven't made anything with them yet!

    although tonight i was craving some pico de gallo, so we will have to be sure to make that soon.


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