May 27, 2011

hello friday

at the table
There is a full weekend ahead and today will be pretty busy too! I am working on cleaning my studio/craft area and getting it (home)school ready. I am still unsure where to put certain things, but as things get cleaned out, I am sure it will come to me. I already have purged through some of my fabric and I have tons more to go... oh boy!

This week's learnings...

- The different types of homeschooling. There are so many kinds! Unschooling, structured, eclectic, classical, internet, montessori, and the list could go on and on...

- Re-evaluating my teaching philosophy and determining how that will look like in my home.

- Brave doesn't really have good hand eye coordination just yet. She'll get there.

- Soul still prefers to grunt than speak.

- I am hormonally all over the place. Seriously.

- I need to pray for Christians who are oppressed in our countries.

What sorts of lesson learning did you go through this week?

Be back later with a vintage here post.


  1. Just want to through another educational style out for you: Charlotte Mason. Christian educator from the turn of the century that has a wonderful view of children and their inherent capabilities and worth. Prayers for you from one pregnant lady to another...

  2. Your blog is so refreshing! I just love it. I especially like the idea of jotting down the things that I've learned this week. :) Have a great weekend.


  3. 1. My brother and sister went through ACE Academy, a Christian homeschooling program. They were happy with it, but they didn't start until junior high. I'm not sure how the elementary program would be.

    2. Audrey is a few days younger than Soul and still isn't talking as much as I feel she should be (lots of hand motions and grunts, though). I'm guessing the words will start flowing from both of our girls very soon, though.

  4. I was unschooled k-12 and am now happily applying to law school! Let me know if you have any questions.

  5. Hi...I think this might be my first time commenting. I love, love your blog and your perspective on life and little ones. Your creativity is SO inspiring, too!
    Anyway, we homeschool and wanted to tell you about a little gem I found online called Charlotte Mason's approach to education is to teach through literature, full of beautiful vocabulary and first-person experiences, rather than just using textbooks. Anyway check it out if you want. We love it. Have a loverly weekend!

  6. raeann and celeste- oh! never heard of that, but it sounds interesting. i will be reading on that too!

  7. Hello! I've been enjoying your blog for a couple of weeks now and am finally commenting. I know I've learned lots of stuff this week, but the one that pops out of my brain immediately is a silly little one: I should wait until the boys are *asleep* before I go take my nap-time shower. : )

    I must admit to being quite delighted to find another uncatergorizeable blog "out there." : ) I like the mix of stuff you write about just like I like writing a mix of stuff. Oh, and I always worry a little before posting the serious stuff too.

  8. I'm so happy to see you're homeschooling! We've decided to as well & it's always refreshing to see other parents really excited about teaching. We were planning on going with a classic education, but I'm going to look into Charlotte Mason now too. Love your blog and how the light really shines through your family!

  9. I adore your blog & your sweet family. I'm a momma to 4, one already in heaven. My oldest daughter is 15 & she loves all things vintage - we have a blast together.
    We also have chosen & while I'm not blogging any more you can read some of our adventures at my old blog ( family of five).
    I am also encourage every single time you share Christ's love, your faith & Christian walk. Thank you!!

  10. ......have chosen to homeschool that is! And I'm also a Charlotte Mason fan!

  11. oo, check out the waldorf school philosophy, too:

  12. This week, I learned the lesson of patience. Something I was not born with. :P Between being sick for 2 weeks, pointless doctor appointments and a car that just can't seem to keep it's battery charge/dying on me in the worst possible moments throughout the day. Patience, indeed. I also learned the lesson of kindness! I couldn't have gotten through it all without my friends and family at my side willing to drop whatever, whenever to help me though. I need to exercise the act of paying it forward ASAP. I ALSO learned the lesson of taking a few minutes to drown the outside world with your favorite tunes, sit down with a cup of coffee, ignore your phone, and indulge in some favorite blog reading for just a few minutes. Which is exactly what I'm doing right this very second!

    Thanks for your great posts lately, Ruby. Though you talk about being hormonal....just an outsider looking in, have never ever eva' guessed. ; )

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. i learned.... that you can step outside of the will of God, but you can never step out of His promises :) i wrote about it here :)

    i really love your blog (and your sisters' as well!)... it's always so encouraging!

  14. I just want to say a quick thanks for your blog and your writing. It has encouraged me to be more open about my own faith online. It is so important to who I am, and my blog is missing something without my sharing my faith. This is very big and more than a little frightening for me, I have been beat over the head with the never offend anyone message, but am I not offending Him, every time I do not let my heart sing His joys wherever I can? Is that not far more important? These are the lessons I have recently learned. Again, thank you for your faith, it has inspired my own.


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