September 16, 2009

morning routine

In the process of all our organizing, our routines are getting organized too. Plus, I was a teacher once, so I am a very structured person and I like lots of lists and charts. Here is our "morning routine" chart to help us get started with our day. I am sure you will see more of our homemade charts soon.
coloring mamamorning routine chartin her roomItalic
edited and ready
Sometimes, the chart doesn't always get followed, though we try, but with kids, you know how these things go...

And don't forget the giveaway and to sign up for the screening. I am going with my some friends, one of whom has graced Glamour Magazine's blog for her fiance's wonderful proposal. I still love reading that story and am excited that she is finally starting the wedding planning. Also, I am so excited that many of you will be at the screening!

It is Wednesday and just a few more days until the weekend. Ben and I plan on going on a date either tomorrow or Friday night, so I am definitely a happy gal! I lovey my husband lots!!!

EDIT COMING: OOPS!!! I forgot to put the -ed at the end of dress. I am so glad my Benny is there to catch my grammatical errors! Must fix that tonight and will re-scan a new chart. See... I am not perfect! Now, I am worried about my former students, maybe I taught them bad grammar. Sorry kids...
EDIT UPDATE: Last photo shows the edit... whew!


  1. How cute! I love the list and the graphics! What a great reminder to start a day off with prayer.

  2. I hear ya' on needing structure! Before I became a teacher, I was very scattered. Now it's lists, planning, and thinking ahead. When you have a room full of rowdy students, it teaches you to be prepared at all times to avoid chaos!

    Your morning schedule is so cute. You are great at drawing!

  3. starting the day with prayer is very great! i love all the little pictures!! especially the little girl getting her hair fixed!! what a neat idea!!

  4. ps What grade did you teach? I'm currently in school majoring in education,and want to teach kindergarten or maybe later on Honors High School English.

  5. aww sweet!!! do you have other schedules for the rest of the day? i am always looking for suggestions and thoughts for our schedule too! i love your blog and so grateful for it! i tell my hubby all the time that we would be great friends but alas distance won't let that happen (were in brooklyn). i haven't started a blog yet but my hubby has a website for our church with a blog.

  6. hey ruby! i just missed you guys when you left on Sunday night. hope to see you and your family again.
    you guys are so cooL! :)

  7. Very cute - looks like you are super organised!

  8. I love that list! It just way too cute!

  9. So adorable! I need something like that! Hehe...

  10. Oh! I thought you left the "ed" off on could work! It makes it seem more like some cute Japanese stationary or something. Either way, I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Love the vintage dollhouse, is it Fisher Price?

  12. That is the cutest chart ever!

  13. Hi there,
    Would you ever consider sharing this chart as a pdf? It is so cute and I know my kids would get some good use out of it! I am in the process of getting a routine in the morning too. It is hard!

  14. Too cute! You should sell some in your shop:)

  15. I didn't even notice the missing "ed" until you pointed it out! These charts are so very adorable! Such a good way to get organized. Your kids are so lucky to have a mom like you!

  16. I noticed the missing "ed" but assumed you meant they had to collect the clothes to bring to you or something! As in, "collect dress fom coat hanger."
    Love the little pictures. My Mac can't cope with clipart just now (it's old) but I never thought of doing my own little pictures.

  17. Very cute visual schedule! that is so helpful, she will be able to look and know what to expect :) very cute pictures too

  18. Before the EDIT Johnny and I were reading the adorable chart and I said "HEY WHERE'S THE -ED! She could do a suffix lesson on that with True (when she of age)." teacher geek. John then said "Is that Ruby's writing? It's like a font! Ruby font!" YOU HAVE AMAZING PENMENSHIP MY FRIEND! A+ TO YOU!

  19. love the charts, great idea!!!!!!

  20. that is darling!!! i love your little sketches so much. those lucky little ones...

  21. thanks everyone! and my mistake is fixed. what would i do without ben?!! and you?!!

    the dollhouse in the background is not fisher price. i am not sure what it is, but know that it is made of tin and is vintage. my parents bought it off of etsy for my girls!

  22. Seeing that dollhouse makes me so happy. My Grandma had one like it at her house for me when I came over to play. Do you have more pictures of it? If you post any, please drop me at note!

  23. very cute...we use a very similar one that Enzo's occupational therapist has us using with him. except ours isn't hand-drawn hehe they are OT picked off the internet ;)

  24. I did the same thing when mine were that age! I actually had forgotten! I love your illustrations... I think you should have majored in art. There's an illustrator in you!!!

  25. Just thought I'd let you know, this inspired me to make my own. I love your blog and feel so blessed that I stumbled upon it! God bless you and your family.


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