October 13, 2011


school styleschool styleschool style
{where from again? dress: gifted from auntie ne by siaomimi; knee socks: target; shoes: vintage, thrifted.}

We thought she had chickenpox, but it played out more like a delayed allergic reaction than chickenpox. Thank goodness! Total blessing as we were concerned about Glow.

Since she was a-okay, off to school she went, but when she got to school, she wanted to go back home. It was terrible and I didn't know what to do! After a few calls to Ben, a lot of pep talks, me super frustrated, and dragging the three other girls into the classroom with me, one of her friends eventually was able to coax her to let go of my leg. I think I like that friend of hers. Apparently she was a bit more knee-dy this school day! Could it be the knee socks doing?!! I hope not.

Any of you parents have to battle with a child that refuses to let go of your leg at school? What are your tips?

p.s. Don't forget to enter to win and be a part of hope for those with HoPE! Enter here.


  1. Those oxfords are absolutely adorable! I want them for my little one... and myself. hahaha =)

  2. My daughter who is 7, sometimes gets that way (not want to go to school) It's so hard to know what to do or say. It usually seems to happen after we've had a fun family day or an extra fun weekend. I think she gets nostalgic like me. I'll sometimes draw a heart on her finger with a marker so she can see it when she's at school and know that her mamma loves her and is thinking of her. Or sometimes we'll kiss each others hands so we can put it to our cheeks and get a "kiss" when we're feeling lonely during the day.

  3. Yes!! I have experience!! When my daughter started Pre-K this year she was super excited until we got into the classroom on the first day. She would not let go of my leg, which made me sad and just want to scoop her up and take her home, but I knew that she would love it. I just simply told the teacher to pick her up and take her away to play with the other kids. I quickly walked out and she only complained for maybe 5 minutes afterward. The whole first week was like that, but a little less each day. Now school is all she talks about and LOVES going!!

  4. Just so you know, if you had the chicken pox and you are nursing, your newborn is immune because of your immunity. She gets some of that immunity from being inside you and the other part from your milk. Once she is past a certain age though, her chances go up-hence the vaccine. I found that out recently and was totally dumbfounded. The Lord is so wise and amazing!!
    I still wouldn't let someone with chicken pox kiss all over her though:)-just to be safe.

  5. Not wanting to go to school - so common at that age. Don't worry at all! As another poster mentioned, I would ask one of the teachers to just grab her and then say goodbye and go, even if there are still tears. The longer you stay, the worse it will get and the longer it will take her to get on with her day. That's been my experience at any rate!

  6. Hang in there! I'm sure you know there are lots of little struggles with kids, but each one will make you a stronger Mama.


  7. Hi!

    She is so cute. And your picture are so nice, so is your writing.

    Hugs from Sweden

  8. they usually just need a lot affirmation and patience. Pep talk peep talk pep talk, while praying in your head.

  9. My youngest (I have four, also) had a lot of trouble going to school. We read the book, "The Kissing Hand". That seamed to helped. Especially when I drew a heart in his palm that he could "kiss" when he needed "extra mommy love". He is in first grade this year and we have no trouble going to school. As they say, "this too shall pass".

  10. she is such a doll baby ! What are yours doing for Halloween ?

  11. Mine have had a few days of not wanting to stay at their faith formation classes on Sundays (they're homeschooled during the week), and my trick is to convince them to stay for just a minute and tell them I'll be right back (I've even said "ok sit here for a sec I'm going to take your sister to the bathroom"). By the time I check back a couple minutes later they've always warmed up and want to stay! Whew!

  12. a quick drop off is a good drop off! if u hang around then you are allowing them to think: 'hmm maybe i would prefer to hang with you today instead of these guys'

    i am a nanny for a beautiful family with three children. number 2 was a superior 'cling-on' when she started pre-school. we ended up creating a deal breaker that mom or dad or myself -whoever was doing the drop-off would read one story to her at the school, then we would go...and it was a success!

    we only had tears once or twice? as by the time the story was finished there were other children that had gathered to listen to the story or she had been distracted and had run off to play or we did the ole' switcheroo with a carer and she would finish reading the story.

    unless you sense she is worried or concerned about the situation its best to not talk about it too much as it just leads to anticipation. we found that mentioning the one story deal about 10-15mins prior worked for us.

    i know that reading a story may not work at school, but some type of overlap transition might be good for a 'cling on' situation? a drawing or perhaps a secret handshake just something that is like a ritual for her to have control over.

    that's if it not a one time thing.

    quick drop off is what i would try first. unless you get helicopter arms and eyes that scream out to your maternal guilt 'i'll die if you leave me here'!

    coz that sucks...even for a nanny :(

  13. She is such a little doll. I'm so glad she wasn't sick. That would have been terrible. Love those knee-highs. xo, rv


  14. I feel for you. My son cried almost every morning his first year of part time preschool. Second year was great he loved it. Now we are on to Kindergarten and it has been slow progress as it's a new school and new teacher. But no more tears after several weeks- he just needs me to coax him through the door and on bad days the teacher grabs his hand and takes him in. I do not walk inside the door but just to the doorway to make it quick. The Kissing Hand book has really helped. Also, just time and consistency every morning. If I leave quickly and up-beat (not stressed or worried cuz he senses that) then he gets over it quickly even when he is upset. Good luck. I've been there. So many times I wanted to pull back and keep him home but everyone I consulted with (teachers, friends, psychologists, family members) all say that it's best to let him socialize and learn at school and to build up his confidence and independence. They all said he (my extreme introvert) needs that time to socialize with lots of kids his age. ... And it's true, even after rough starts he is usually all smiles at pick up time with lots of fun things to talk about. :)

  15. I'm a teacher from Holland and nearly every day I have children (True's age) at my class not wanting to leave their parent too.

    I always take care I take over, so the parent can leave. I advice parents to calmly say goodbye (and quickly) and don't start conversation about it. They simply hand me over their child and they leave.

    What parents don't see is that within ten minutes the child is comfortable, starts playing and simply forgets.It never happens to me that a child keeps crying or isn't used to the new routine within a few months.

    For parents it's always heartbreaking to see the tears and drama, but it's simply just a new step in getting independed.

  16. I'm not a parent yet but when I was about 6 I was super attached to my mum and I would always hold onto her and cry and repeat 'I don't want to go' to her. Eventually once I settled down and made friends, with a little help from my teachers I wasn't so upset about being in school any more.



  17. cute, my oldest went through a knee sock phase and I loved it. But alas, that phase is over and she doesn't want to wear them anymore -- says her legs get too hot.

  18. Hi Ruby, I have been a kindy teacher for several years and my advise is to give True a kiss and say goodbye and shortly reassure her that you will come and pick her up later. That's it. No standing around in dispair and anxiety as this will work against you and make the seperation only worse. Hand her over to a teacher and leave. When you act confident (which is a big ask and not all that easy on a mum in this particular situation)she will sense that there is no negotiation possible and at the same time you are assuring her that her school environment is good ,otherwise you would never leave her there. After a very short time True will engage with her friends, be busy with activities and have fun. When you arrive home call the school to see how she is doing and maybe check again later in the day. Not only children need assurance parents too.
    Best wishes,

  19. She is always dressed so cute!
    Love her little school outfits!

    & Thank you for sharing the cause for Reagan.
    I donated to the a couple days ago.
    Such a touching story of God's grace!

  20. love the knee highs :)

    zoe wears knee highs everyday to school (it's part of her uniform)


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