October 28, 2011


they are silly
Gosh. The weekend is upon us yet again and this one will be slightly busier for me. I will be at the USC tailgating event on Saturday (anyone coming?) and then it is my grandma's 85th birthday party in the evening and sometime between all the busyness we will be doing some readying for Halloween. I just know this weekend is going to fly by, but at the end of it, begins my birthday week... yay!!!

Learned and links...

- Soul's says, "I love you", but it is more like "I you you".

- True is way too shy and it shows on her official kindergarten picture. I can't wait to share it!

- I left the house with all 4 girls by myself twice this week for doctor appointments and the key is to leave early to give myself lots of time to buckle and unbuckle all of them in. If I am not rushing, then I am not stressed.

- Had my 6 week check up and I can start working out again. P90x and Turbo Fire, I have really missed you.

- This song really makes me wanna dance and sing it super loud to Ben. Thanks baby sister for blogging it! I have feeling it will be this weekend's theme song or maybe the coming week for that matter.

What's your theme song going to be this weekend?

p.s. last week's giveaway winners will be announced this sunday along with some new giveaways!


  1. This is my theme song for this week, and maybe for the whole rest of the year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sogCtOe8FFY

  2. your girls are precious!
    How old is Soul now?

  3. yay! fun new blog to read. Your girls are just so darlin'. I just had my second boy! this weeks theme song, Glasser- Home.

  4. I wish I knew you were coming to USC earlier, I would of totally came to say hi :) Have lots of fun! Campus is going to be crazy!

  5. I stumbled across your blog today and I absolutely love it! I have girls too, right around the same ages as yours. I love how my little toddler says "i uv yoo"

  6. they are the sweetest bunch of little girls!

    Have a great weekend, and yay for your birthday week coming up!


  7. - clever Soul!
    - can't wait to see~~
    - oh.so.true. getting 4 kids in and out of a car takes years off my life. key is DEF to start well ahead of time!
    - hurrah!
    -BRILL clip and song. thanks for link~

    enjoy your weekend!

  8. True and Brave's faces look identical when they make that face! so cute!

  9. so cute!
    Soul's face is like ....what's going on?

  10. This picture is darling :) I can see how the spread out and the more kids you have the harder it gets to get a shot, but you got the hang of it photographing them two by two and I love the way True has her own little post :) I would love to see Brave Museings , is she in dirt ? She seems like a real go getter and like she has a great imagination . I love your girls !

  11. My theme song for this week:


    ...since my boyf showed it to me Thursday and we've been laughing and copying moves from it.

    P.S. -- Your birthday week is mine too! You: Nov. 3 // Me: Nov. 9

    Happy birthday!! :)

  12. Way to go moving with 4 kids! My big sis has 4 too and has some stories :) Will you share what you and Ben do to workout? I have heard of P90x but don't know anything about it. We have moved in the past year and I love to take classes at the gym, but the gyms here do not have a welcoming babysitting room and my sanity, energy, weight and whole being have been suffering. I would love to know how you manage it with the girls. Only if you have a minute! THANK YOU!!!! You are such an inspiration!


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