October 1, 2011


I survived my first week alone. This verse has really helped...

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

Learned and links...

- Letting my kids watch something on the computer for a little peace is not so bad. They are getting to know Shirley Temple. I loved those movies when I was a kid.

- Soul can say her own name, except it comes out sounding like "Sheesh Bapish". Apparently, that's Soul Bratcher to her.

- True and Brave are slowly getting reading and I am learning to be more patient and the minute I get frustrated, we just stop. Usually, it is when I decide to throw in an extra lesson, so I need to not do that and keep taking it slowly. Oh kinder teachers, I have so much respect for you!

- I have a new obsession with Madewell. I love all their things, but my wallet does not like their prices, though I am sure their goods are really made well.

- Love the Velvet Bird shop full of handmade dresses. So pretty!

- My new ideabook with dream items for dining with style.

- Our weather is slowly changing and getting cooler. I am so excited!

Baby started crying, off to answer the call!


  1. She's just perfect ;)
    Thanks for the kinder shout out....soooo much work, but soooo rewarding! (But I've got 26 kids!)

  2. I have a new love for Madewell too and excited for their new store here in Chicago! Your Glow is getting bigger by the minute. May God give u strength and patience as you teach and raise them.

    Happy weekend!

  3. I love that verse too. I pinned it a while back on pinterest. http://pinterest.com/pin/114854945/

  4. You're doing wonderfully! Post that verse everywhere

  5. Eeep! I love Velvet Bird too. Their dresses are adorable. xo, rv


  6. Keep an eye on madewell sales they are super great! I got some darling pants and a little romper from there for $20 total! Woop, woop for sales.

  7. i am planning on homeschooling my children - but I have a while as I only have one who is 11 months old. i am fascinated in the journey you are taking and am so excited to learn from you. i know you are so busy - but perhaps (some day) you can create a place for curriculum ideas and lessons. maybe one day i'll create a blog/website full of resources for homeschooling moms - creative resources that aren't an eyesore!

    Keep it up. you are a great mom, i'm sure of it!

  8. have you heard the mormon tabernacle choir sing the song 'how firm a foundation'? there's one verse that is taken from that scripture (also a fav of mine!) that goes:
    fear not i am with you
    oh be not dismayed
    for i am thy god and will still give thee aid
    i'll strengthen thee
    help thee
    and cause thee to stand
    upheld by my mighty omnipotent hand
    i know that you have your own religion and your own religious songs, but i thought i'd share this verse of song that has touched my heart when i am going thru those trying times. enjoy!

  9. What a beautiful verse. I should print it out and put on my frig, because I don't have patience and I only have two kids. I don't homeschool, but I started teaching my 4 year old some math and found myself getting frustrated, so I decided to make it more of game and keep it fun. You teachers are amazing!!!

  10. I LOVE that verse! It's going on my chalkboard in my kitchen :)

    Thanks for sharing!!


  11. That verse was what got me through labor and the first couple of weeks too! His word is sweet. Now my baby is almost 5 months old and I can't believe it!! Many prayers for you!

  12. Good job! :) It will be easier with time. She is just such a beautie, like all your girls.

    I love that it´s getting little bit less warm here too,exciting!

  13. I'm vacationing in Florida this week, visiting an old college roommate/life long friend who shares my same shopper's high.... I think it took us 4 seconds out of the airport pick up before we decided to find madewell. This is the first time in a city with a real, live store!
    ... and every single piece of clothing lives up to the pedestal I've put it on in my head. It was a DREAM. Best part? I didn't pay more than $15 for anything I bought tonight. Thank you sales rack! so, naturally.... I bought lots of things!

  14. A powerful verse indeed and a welcome inspiration to be reminded of it. Remember that little song "Be still and know that I am God..." every time the noise and stress gets a bit much.

  15. She is so adorable. Really just like your other girls!
    Very lovely family!
    My youngest is 18 and I can still picture all four of them taking pictures at a park or the couch. Dang they were so cute together!

  16. Your daughter is adorable! This is random...but where did you get that boppy cover? I love the vintage print, and I haven't been able to find any like that anywhere! Congrats on making it through your first week :)

  17. Congratulations on your new beautiful baby girl! I'm sure this is quite a special time, as well as a challenging one. I can't imagine having that many kids! (I actually don't have any of my own at the moment...) :)

    I used to teach for a reading program and for the youngest learners (ages 4-6), the parents and the kids were in the class together. It was just as helpful for the parents to learn how to teach their kids to read as it was for the kids. And I think you're right to stop when you get too frustrated, because frustration is contagious, and reading should be fun! Just remember that you're doing your best, and try to make it fun, and the second it's not fun, take a break and that is OKAY. :) And remember that each kid learns differently and goes at their own pace, especially with reading.

    Anyway, I really wanted to say that I admire you and all that you're doing in the moment and how you always try to gain a positive perspective on things, even when it's difficult. Hang in there!

  18. I use to be a preschool/kindergarten teacher and I have to tell you that teaching your own kids seems to be much harder than even a much larger group of other children. Or so it is for me:)....have you ever tried silly dance along music like beanbag dancing, or the going on a bear hunt songs? They are super cheesy but kids really seem to like them and after you teach them the moves they will learn to do it by themselves and buy you at least 10-15 minutes!!:)
    P.S Thank you for the feature last month! True looked super sweet in her 70s striped top! Sorry for such a late thank-you:)

  19. I love Shirley Temple films too. I used to save money and buy them on VHS whenever they became available. I actually am watching one right now, but from when she was older and in an actual drama that she didn't necessarily star in. It's really long called Since You Went Away. Her old movies from her childhood are just so amazing though. I always loved The Littlest Rebel & Captain January & The Little Princess the most!!!

    I homeschool my oldest son and I totally understand that impatience feeling of frustration when they seem to space out suddenly or something. I also find it is when the lessons are longer that he's easily distracted. He's really good though at being into his work, I just totally get you on this!!!


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