October 16, 2011


Shiriously, please email me your address and contribution receipt, so I can get the pillow to you! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and donated. You all have such big hearts and from the bottom of mine, thank you!!!

Support and awareness for HPE does not stop just here, so feel free to still get the word out. Can read more about it through Rea of HoPE or Families for HoPE. Thanks friends!


  1. That is the cutest way I've ever seen to choose a giveaway winner. xo, rv


  2. Even though I didn't win I want to buy my daughter one for her second birthday!!! how fun sooo cool :)

  3. Shoulie is such a great helper! :)

  4. YAY!!! This totally made my week! I can't wait to give this to my little niece. She's a little too young to understand the donation that made this gift possible (18 months), but I look forward to telling her about it when she's a little older. Thank you Rubyellen!


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