September 9, 2011


Ben's been home these past few days and though we are anxiously waiting for baby, it has been kinda nice having these last few days to all do things together as a family of five.
just waiting just waiting just waiting just waiting just waiting just waiting
We have been spending these past few days eating together, playing hide and seek, he has been doing his share of teaching the girls, watching movies as a family, and going on food runs together. He has been so great with things around the house and just helping make things so much easier for me at this stage of my pregnancy. We know baby will be here soon and we wonder every night if tonight is the night, but I can't think of any better way to spend our days before baby does finally decide to come.

Babycakies... come out, come out, whenever you want!!!


  1. We also spent the last few days at home all together and it was great! Good luck and hopefully you'll have an easy and fast delivery.

  2. It's so funny, I don't know you personally, but feel like I do from your blog, and every time there's a new post, for a second before I read the title, I think, "they had the baby!"...I'm just really excited for you guys:) Praying for a quick, safe, and healthy delivery for baby and mama! And enjoy your last few days as a family of 5:)

  3. The suspense is killing me!!! Every time I see an update on your blog I am sure that Baby Cakies is officially on it's little way. Sending you prayers and am grateful that this crazy weather is supposed to be cooling down a bit for you.

  4. I am sooo excited to see baby cakie. You've constantly been in my thoughts for the past few days. Enjoy every moment with your precious family.

  5. i am a new follower!
    Your family is adorable and I can't wait for the little one:)


  6. Cute photos! Love them and the new look! Hurry, baby!

  7. want to know my baby name suggestion? Honor. So, so cute for a baby especially a BOY! Can't wait to find out!

  8. i cant imagine the anticipation of waiting for a baby to come, even when you have been through it before. it must me so exciting and stressful at the same time.


  9. We will keep you in our prayers this weekend... I'm excited to see the newest Bratcher!!! :D

  10. Nice to have family time.. especially with kids before baby come along.

    waiting on baby news...

  11. Sending "good vibes" all the way down from Rio! May God bring baby cakies safelly, hapilly, peacefully!

    hugs from Brazil!

  12. Oh yeah, I stalk your blog on the daily, can't wait to see what you will have.

    Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for you and baby.

  13. can't wait to meet the newest one! I com eon each day in hopes to see a pic of the newest little one!

  14. I bet you guys are so excited...just waiting and spending extra time together! Sounds fun! :) You have a gorgeous family.

  15. I didn't know how invested I was in your blog and your family's story until this past week when I've been anxiously awaiting (though doubtfully as much as Ya'll have) the arrival of your little blessing.

    Thank you for allowing us to follow along in your adventure. Also, thank you for making your faith transparent in your blogging persona. As a new addition to the blogosphere (, it is inspiring and encouraging to my own efforts.

    God's using you for good in my life!

  16. Oh I love those last few days before a new baby comes, it's great to relish those moments!

  17. I think that a Lee's sandwich, right? No wonder baby doesn't want to come out. You've been feeding him/her yummy stuff :).

  18. How wonderful ~ before you know it your sweet baby will be in your arms. Happy Friday!!

  19. How are you guys going to handle 4 carseats? Will you have to take two cars everywhere?

  20. Ooou, I recognized the Lee's Sandwich too... we had them around the house about five times as often as normal when I was pregnant. :) I was actually due on the 12th, but baby decided to come three weeks early. I have enjoyed being pregnant "with" you though. :D

  21. i bet you guys are anxious for baby to come, but it's nice to spend quiet family time together before life gets turned upside down!

    ps love brave's dress!


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