September 5, 2011


There is this little town right next to us and when you enter, it really makes you feel you are in a whole other world. Think... old fashion saloons. At night, when you drive by, there are horses waiting in a corral right outside saloon doors. Once when a friend was on her way to my house, she made a wrong turn, called another friend to get back on the right track and said, "Does Ruby live in Frontierland?" This small town has a parade every Labor Day since 1902, so this year we decided to check it out.
labor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day parade
labor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day parade
on me: shirt (supposed to be a dress), american apparel. shorts, f21. shoes, vintage dr. scholls c/o nickie noel vintage. this is pretty much my go-to outfit cause nothing fits anymore!
on true: dress, little bean shop. shoes, vintage.
on brave: embroidered dress, c/o tiny fox vintage. shorts, vintage. shoes, vintage.
on soul: dress, rogue retro. salt-waters, tiny fox vintage.

It was a simple, small town parade where we got to watch a lot of horses stroll by, a marching band, random city council people, and free candy being thrown at the viewers. The skies were overcast, it was free, and we were all happy to be together. It was a good kinda Labor Day!

How did you spend your Labor Day? Obviously, I wasn't laboring...


  1. Um, obviously you are THE most gorgeous pregnant woman on the planet! Such amazing photos of such a beautiful family xxx

  2. OH MY GOSH! I absolutely love that vintage Mexican embroidered dress. Can I have it?! She looks so cute. XO, Rae

  3. love the look ! Norah has a Mexi cali she will be out growing soon ! It is white she has worn it only like once I may try to sell it , I adore it I do not know much about it but it is old and so very cute ! You guys r the best !

  4. love the new blog look - and loooove these pictures of you and your precious family!

  5. I just scrolled on your blog and love it!! your family is soo cute! I have 2 little girls and am expecting my 3rd little girl any day now! love your creativity! Oh and I had so many people joking that I would go into labor on labor day, not happening for me either

  6. wow, that belly is something to be proud of, for sure! wish you the best the little one makes his or her arrival.

  7. Awesome pics! You guys have the cutest family! It cracked me up to see you with SUCH a round belly and a baby on your hip. It brought back lotsa memories!! I'm just far apart are Soul and new baby gonna be? My kids are 21 months apart and I'm wondering how you like your kids spacing. :) Happy labor day!

  8. LoVE your daughters little outfits and you look sooo happy for being so close to delivery!! Very cute:)

  9. kelsey- true and brave are 15 months apart. soul and brave are a little over 26 months apart. soul and baby will be about 20-21 months apart. it is really crazy in our house and will get crazier, but we wouldn't have it any other way now! if they were farther apart though, i would have considered a fifth.

  10. From those photos I'm going to go with guessing you're having a boy! :)

  11. ooooh, so cute! I love your blog and reading about your family, faith, garden, recipes, homeschooling (more, please!)... but please don't cut your middle girl's bangs anymore. I was that middle girl with those super short bags while more sisters had the beautiful long locks. Wow do I hate those pics :)

  12. great pictures. cute outfits. seems like you had a lovely day together. love the cowboy/girl boots!

  13. So cute, what a fun time. Your straight-out-front belly looks just like mine did with my son! I'm on pins and needles to find out, but I'm guessing BOY! Happy laboring, mama!

  14. So clever using a dress as a shirt to cover up! I don't blame you for having it be your go-to. You're soo close!

    And, I love your long hair. You are so beautiful.

    And, your family is beautiful too.

    "Her children will rise and call her blessed."


  15. ahhhh freaking out! true and brave are my fashion icons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to wear their outfits right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you!! time to give birth now!!!!!! hurry and make the call!!!!! this post is the best!!!!!!!

  16. i am in love love love with brave's outfit! i'm 28 years old and i think your little lady just became my style icon!!! :-) sweet family you've got over there!

  17. I'm a longtime reader but infrequent commenter & I just had to break out of lurk mode-- this is one of my fave family posts so far! you and your girls are just the sweetest and I can't wait to see the new addition! much love to you & your adorable family xo

  18. Ruby, your belly looks huuuuge! You are so gorgeous, and happy and shinning! 4th baby it's on its way... :}}

    Lots of love to you and your family!
    And welcome little baby!

  19. Those cowboy boots are too sweet~! I went fishing on labour day! :)

  20. You are officially the prettiest pregnant woman I've ever seen!!!! You are screaming happiness in evry picture, it is SO sweet to see! The girls are cute as ever, and I must say I ADORE Brave's bangs! They fit her so well!!!

    many many hugs from Bazil!

  21. o my. you really have the cutest family EVER.

  22. You are so stinkin' cute!!! cutest family ever!!

  23. Your girls look beautiful on that dresses, they are soooooo cute and you look so pretty and happy!

  24. awww how beautiful they all are and you are. May the Lord continue to bless your family!!!

  25. beautiful belly!
    ...and I♥the beautiful dress from brave!

  26. I started to follow your blog a while ago and i love it! You look stunning!! Your girls are beautiful and you seem to have the a great husband! Good luck with giving birth! Grts, Julie from Belgium, Europe.

  27. everyone looks so cute :)

    ps. have the same dr. scholl's as you but in white! LOL

  28. waiting on the news!!! I'm guessing a boy to add into this mix of super adorable girls and their amazing style :)

  29. I've commented maybe once... but wondered if Soul's face was bitten by a vampire?

    Also, give baby an eviction notice. I think a boy would be lovely, that's my guess.

  30. ow! What a gorgeous family! Your kiddies are too cute (and super stylish) ;)

  31. Your kids are just too lovely for words!!
    You and your family are really a huge inspiration :) these cute pictures... makes me happy!

  32. hi there....we are in a wedding coming up where they are asking for red cowboy boots for our daughter who the flower girl.....any leads for us on where to find some??/ cheers

  33. Oh wow, you are the best looking family ever! Your girls are the cutest.
    Your belly is the best pregnant belly I have ever seen.
    I can't wait to see what you have and the name!

  34. you, and your family are stunning! The love shines through!


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