September 28, 2011


where's waldo?!! messy studio
This is what my little studio/crafting area looks like. It's been like this for a couple months. I just don't know where to start and I have been holding out for some pretty vintage cabinet to house my fabric, but I still haven't found one, so I had Ben bring out a rack from the garage to do the job until I find one. I am working slowly at getting this clean because I want me and the girls to be able to use this space for art projects and school. Just add this to my while-the-babies-are-sleeping-to-do list!

Good thing is that it was functional enough that I did get to sew a little ring pillow for my friend's wedding this Saturday. I did have to do some digging to find what I need, but I came out alive!
a ring pillow
a ring pillow
The bride told me to just use gray and white or burlap. I opted for the burlap cause that sounded a bit different and I mixed it with a wool felt flower, my mind is drawing a blank for the type of fabric on the leaves, and a little twine to tie the rings together (that's not the real ring). It's cute and simple and I love how it turned out! Hope you like it Taylor and Melody!

Speaking of weddings, my sister and her fiance's engagement was featured at forget me knot weddings and it all came out super cute, you could see it all here and here.


  1. I love that. I recently bought a vintage filing cabinet to organize all of my craft stuff in. It works wonders. xo, rv

  2. What a charming pillow! How sweet that you were able to get that made for your friend.

  3. Hi I'm a new reader but you made me feel so much better with this post. My craft area is not too good and I'm glad it's not just me :) Also loving the new baby pictures good luck with it all, I only have two so it must be alot of washing :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this. It makes me feel so much better. So many bloggers always present such immaculate pictures of their homes.

    It's easy to let a crafting area/office get away from you. Mine ended up being the catchall room for a long time. I'm still slowly working my way out of the mess, figuring out systems that work.

    Good luck! Take it 15 minutes at a time and you'll have it whipped into shape.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only lady who lives this way ;) We call it "progmess".

  6. Love the pillow and I agree with everyone else in that I'm glad I'm not the only one who's craft area looks like this. Thanks for keepin it real!

  7. my space looks pretty much the same.. just throw in some school papers into the mix and that's my craft studio.

  8. My craft area looked like your space- but WORSE!!! I had so much fabric and stuff that I couldn't even get to my sewing machine. My solution? I decided to throw a party and invite strangers. I put an ad on craigslist for some fellow crafters to exhibit and sell their work along with mine. It took me two weeks and a lot of labor to really get my space in order but knowing that people were coming over really got me in gear!

    PS- The party was great! I met some wonderful people, sold stuff and made a little $$$ :).

  9. a creative mess is better then tidy idleness. ;)

  10. YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS! You can have as big a mess as you want and still inspire the crap out of the rest of us!

  11. YES thank you for being real by showing us your craft space :-)

    What a lovely pillow -- I think the fabric you used for the leaves looks like silk shantung, but I could be wrong...

  12. Looks oké. And see what i found
    Sometimes i love Ikea.
    Greetings from Belgium.

  13. that ring pillow is absolutely adorable, I want one.

  14. cute, cute, cute!

    and.... I am glad I am not the only one who has a house of mess :) -someday it will get done.

  15. I LOVE that you are makes me feel normal! I know you always say that you have imperfections, just like the rest of us. I just like SEEING them! :D

    Thank you for sharing! Best. blog. post. ever.

    P.S. It's a perfectly photographed mess! ;)

  16. Love that ring pillow-Nice job!

    My craft area is super messy, too, but I work better in what I like to call "controlled chaos." But really it's messy because I have 2 kids and NO time to put projects away when I'm done with them.

  17. Mine is a mess too...and it drives me crazy because my craft table is in our living room. I just did a little straightening last night just to make sure that there still was a table under it all, but it's still a mess. :)
    The pillow is adorable...I just love the rose!

  18. Yea, this is the best post ever. I love that it is ACTUALLY messy! Im the messiest ever, and I hate when my insanely organized ALL.THE.TIME. friends say a room is messy because 3 or four things are out of place. Um, Attnetion: if it will take you under 3 min to make the room look perfecto, it isnt messy. Peace out!

  19. I'm one more that felt happy not to be alone. My craft space is looking just like that now... =)

    Hugs from Brazil!

  20. Oh, Rubyellen! I'm so happy you posted that picture! So many blogs show people's homes in such perfection and my home is clean, but always cluttered. We're outgrowing our space and there's nothing much we can do about it. My craft/work/whatever desk sometimes looks like that, too. It's okay to be messy. If Hoarders is any indication, more people are messy than not. : )

  21. I just found your blog today through Sew Momma Sew, and I'm so glad! It is very inspiring. You have a beautiful family, and your children's names are precious! I have enjoyed how you have woven your faith into your writing, such a neat way to share Christ. It reminds me of the passage in the Old Testiment that tells us to share with our children as we sit, and lying down, and as we walk along the way. Thanks for sharing your sewing space. I'm a messy crafter and sometimes think I must be the only one when I see all of the studios with everything in place. I wish I could be that way, but alas I am not. God bless you and your family.

  22. oh how wonderful! A home that is loved and lived in should look loved and lived in. Bravo and thank you for enjoying your children at this special time in their lives. They will remember all the fun and creative things you did with them in years to come! As a primary school teacher and mom of young children, I can tell you that your commitment to creative fun will do much more for your children than a spotless house ever will!


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