September 20, 2011


Two things I craved the most while pregnant, but couldn't eat or drink was sushi and beer. Last night, Ben and I were finally able to carve out some quiet time and celebrate the birth of our littlest love together. How did we celebrate? A movie and some indulging in our favorite sushi and some (non-alcoholic) beer. I like to start off slowly.
sushi and (non-alcoholic) beer at lastsushi and (non-alcoholic) beer at lastsushi and (non-alcoholic) beer at lastsushi and (non-alcoholic) beer at last
Okay, maybe I threw in some macarons and triple chocolate bundt cake in for dessert. This was a celebration after all!

Ben's mom left yesterday and we are finally feeling the reality of having four kids. We were out and about at doctor visits and errands yesterday and it is no easy feat getting all the kids in and out of the house and in the car. Craziness I tell you! I am sure there will soon be a time when we will have to go eat at a restaurant with all of them and that no doubt will be insane as well. Going from three to four definitely ain't easy, but it is quadruple the joy!


  1. so glad that you and ben were able to spend some time together! i bet it's hectic with 4 little ones!

  2. Ah! You look beautiful, mama. Congrats on having number four. I can't wait to watch little Glow grow up too. Yum! Sushi! xo, rv

  3. what a sweet date night! I know that those are going to be the two things I def. crave when I have a baby!

  4. how cute! i never want to be pregnant if i can't have sushi or beer for nine months! ;]

  5. my 4th made me insane :-)

    also made me much better at rolling with it, praying, coloring, leaving dishes in the sink, relying on God's plan instead of my own, and simply being thankful for making it through each day.

    four rocks
    now I look at my 4 and think..."this is ALL we have???"

    that is when my husband gets nervous

    I might have some beer and sushi tonight to celebrate too :-)

  6. YES PLEASE INFform me of this time :) I had twins and then two after and have had almost no loving since because I am always running around. BTW the way you look amazibgly beautiful

  7. Jajaja I also craved for sushi and beer during both my pregnancies ;)

  8. So nice that you got to celebrate! You have such a beautiful, blessed life. --R.S.

  9. Adorbale and what a great night!!!! Love your blog ;)

  10. Oh yes! I celebrated the births of my two sweeties with sushi too! I also totally understand your craving for beer, I'm still breast feedings so I still have to do without it. But I already know the taste of every non alcoholic you can get here in Vienna!

    All the best to you!


  11. soo glad you were able to indulge in your cravings finally! all your posts increase my desire to have four just to convince the hubby!

  12. What does non-alcoholic beer taste like? Actually, what does beer taste like?

  13. O Ruby - I'm sooo jealous of you right now! I've been craving sushi like a mad-woman and I'm only 15 weeks in.

  14. aw, so fun!! and congratulations on your little Glow. she is so beautiful!!

  15. Oh, so glad you managed to find te time to enjoy just the 2 of you! You are my hero!!
    My husband and I took months to be able to enjoy one meal together, just us both! And with only one kiddo!!

    hugs from Brazil!

  16. Love this post!!!!! Brings back so many memories of the times when me and my husband were finally able to sneak away for a quiet dinner alone... When we had our 4th baby girl, we were alittle overwhelmed at first, but we made it and it became less stressful and more enjoyable as time went by!!!!! How could it not with four Beautiful girls to love on everyday!!!! You have such Beautiful girls, and I am so happy for you!!!! Life could not possibly get any better than this!!!!! Sending you all of the best wishes from NC!!!!!!

  17. Moments like those with your husband are so special! It is a blessing to see how you and your husband value your time together.

  18. HI RUBY, I AM so happy for you guys! I am glad you are taking some time to celebrate!

  19. congrats on your Glow! the first thing i ate after giving birth was sushi too...and some root beer.

    have fun with your four girls!

  20. yay! you got your beer and sushi!! next time i will come over and bring the real deal! heehee


  21. Visit every day, i love your blog, your posts and your photos, your girls are beautiful, and her newest baby is also beautiful ... congratulations

  22. i miss sushi so much too! i was due sept 20th & that will be one of the first things i eat that i have not been able to during pregnancy!

  23. oh we really didn't get away too far! we had our little date in our bedroom with all the girls happily sleeping in their own rooms!!! that is the only way we could get a date in these days! ;)

    i want more sushi!!! maybe i will ask ben this weekend!

  24. Congrats on #4... awesome stuff!


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