September 7, 2011


Sometimes it is good not to make things from scratch, provided the box mixed doesn't contain any hydrogenation, which is just so bad for you. We were itching for blueberry muffins and we had a easy peasy box mixed and baked them right up.
some bakingsome bakingsome bakingsome bakingsome bakingsome bakingsome bakingsome baking
True was at school and Bravey and Soul were having a hoot together. They actually don't play together much because it is True and Brave together and Soul is my little sidekick. I think with True gone one day a week, it will give Soulie and Bravey plenty of sister bonding time. They are real sweet together, just like these boxed blueberry muffins.

And since these were just boxed muffins, we gave them a bit more visual appeal by cutting out parchment paper squares and baking them in those in the muffin pan. I think they look cute that way! Oh and we sprinkled brown sugar on top! Can't go wrong with extra brown sugar.

I want to try baking these next. What are you in the mood to whip up? I am in the mood to whip out this baby!


  1. what a coincidence! I just used that same mix last night to bake a blueberry/raspberry bread, and even posted on my own blog about it today! It's SO delicious! I love your idea of sprinkling brown sugar on top! I'll have to remember that for next time.

  2. I really like your site redesign! Also: I love the parchment-paper-as-muffin-cups idea.

    I'm not a fan of blueberries but I've got overripe bananas that are begging to be made into muffins!

  3. Thanks for the info on hydrogenation-NASTY!! I'm going to be an even better label reader now. Love the paper around the muffins.

  4. omg look at soul's face. so adorable! I love the parchment paper idea, def a really cute way to display muffins/cupcakes.

  5. they look so yummy. the papers make them so gourmet looking!


  6. I love the use of parchment paper as muffin cups, I'll have to try that! I always get in the mood to bake when I'm waiting for baby to come too!

  7. Yummies.. staying busy is good.
    soon ... soon have baby in arms.

  8. cute muffin cups!! i don't know why i thought True was home schooled?

  9. I've never seen parchment paper cups before! They are so cute!

  10. you guys are such an amazing family to watch! beautiful and fun ideas, food and clothes! you should tell us all what names you are thinking about for the new addition! your names are so unique and unisex so that works for the surprise!!

  11. I love the parchment paper, I think it lends a cute touch while still being useful.
    I just watched the documentary Forks over Knives on Netflix and I'm going to try and eat more veggies in my meals. No recipe ideas yet, do you have any veggie-ful recipes your family enjoys?

  12. YUM! And genius on the parchment paper:) We used the same brand this morning to make a coffee cake for a first day of school special breakfast and it was delicious!

  13. How adorable! It's great that Brave and Soul get some together time too. XO, Rae

  14. thinkpriddy- she is homeschooled! she goes to a school for enrichment classes one day a week.

  15. Those muffins look yummy!!! I used brown paper bags a couple a weeks ago for the cupcakes I made for my craft party..Great minds think alike :)

  16. how did you do the cases there sooo cute i and they look as good as homemade from scratch well done i <3 your blog xx

  17. as always, enjoyed reading your posts and viewing your pics.

  18. Every time I come to your blog I do two things:

    a) check to see if baby is here

    b) ooh and aw over how adorable you& your family is

    oh how i adore your blog.

  19. Delicious!! We are whipping out some cupcakes that look like appples right at the moment...
    Hope you can whip that sweet baby out soon!

  20. .... you are aware that box mix in your photo contains partially hydrogenated oils though, right? ;)

  21. melissa- actually, this box didn't contain any. don't worry... i check before putting it in my cart!!! if not, ben would give me a hard time if i didn't.

  22. This is my favorite boxed muffin mix brand too! I usually buy the Cranberry mix, but blueberry is also yummy. :)
    It must be a baking day...I have banana bread in the oven as we speak.
    And no will be here before you know it!

  23. so cute! those muffins look delicious.

  24. YUMMM :D These photos are adorable!

  25. I love the pic of the girls looking at the muffins!! So cute!!

    I just bought ingredients to make peanut butter cookies...can' :)


  26. I like the parchment paper - muffins never looked so cute!!

    i've been putting it off a lot but i really want to try to make these:
    I promised my husband - that has yet to be fulfilled. And also I promised my co-worker chocolate cheesecake - i've never made chocolate before..
    and there is no doubt in my mind you want your baby cakie out!

  27. I LOVE the idea of using parchment paper!! Would work for cupcakes too - i rarely have the little paper cups on hand.

    and your girls are SO adorable :)

  28. lovelovelove the parchment paper -- I'll have to give that a try! you're right, it adds so much more visual appeal. gorgeous photos -- your girls are so adorable!

  29. I love the look on the girls' faces with the muffins! So cute :)

  30. What a cute idea to use the parchment paper! You are such a good baker, these look yummy!

  31. i LOVE soul's surprise face! so cute. so nice to see those two having some valuable time together.

  32. I bought parchment paper the other day to do just this! Thanks for showing me that my efforts will pay off! They are very visually pleasing!

  33. I think I'm going to have to make those Neiman Marcus cookies again -- love those and been thinking about them...

  34. i have been in the baking mood too! just bought some flour and butter yesterday... i have some freckled bananas begging to be made into banana bread :)


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