August 19, 2011

huzzah, friday!

apple pie and ice cream
Sometimes some apple pie and ice cream are necessary to get through the day! School starts next week for us and we are ready as we'll ever be. I have two weeks worth of lesson plans mapped out, projects, and activities ready, so here we go...

This week's learned and links...

- Soulie now says little short phrases like, "Papi, there you!" and "I poo poo!"

- True is filling her older sister role well. She is definitely bossy!

- Brave has been more sensitive lately and I need to be more intentional in giving her more love touches.

- I can get quite obsessive about the strangest things. Now, it's ankle boots.

- The girls' closets are way too full. I need to purge yet again.

- Nighttime brings out the pregnancy waddle.

- This verse is hard to apply. In all things, I must count it all joy! Even when things are super frustrating. Lord, help me!

What was going on in your life and heart this week?


  1. Purging the girl clothes.....hmmm mm....interesting.(you're killing me!)

  2. That verse has been on my mind all week. It is hard to apply, but I'm working on it too! You sound totally ready for school to start. I was homeschooled and looking back, I don't know how my mom did it with the four of us. You'll do great!

  3. i was working on reading and writing with Zoe today and really had to make sure i was veerrry patient with her. I thought of you... props to you for home schooling your girls! it was hard just doing it for a few hours!

    oh, and i have been obsessing over these type of bags

  4. Lots of crazyness at work, but I had a nice friday night making my mom dinner for her 53rd birthday and also bought her a new plant, she is a garden fanatic, she lovvvvved it. Now to spend some time with the boyfriend.

  5. Totally cute world you're in. I do hope you have a boy to really turn all those girls on their heads, it mixes up the vibe & balance, let them all shine through with true personalities. Love Posie

  6. ~my week has been
    :getting the kiddies back into a school nighttime routine
    :organizing shoes/backpacks and the like
    :listening to "the secret" on my ipod as I fall asleep hoping to fully absorb it.With four kiddies underfoot I find it hard tp pick up a book,let alone open it and actually read it!
    :finishing clients galleries in time for my month off in September:0)
    :And today I will be making the mother of all chocolate birthday cakes for my sweet Griffin,he is seven today,the last of my four birthdays,as the kiddies all managed to arrive within weeks of each other which I am hoping will make for a monster party next year,if I can get my act together!

    Enjoy these last few weeks of your pregnancy RubyEllen,I made sure to savor every last minute of Annies baking,knowing this was my last time.
    wishing you well from NJ

  7. haha! "i poo poo!" is an important one!!

  8. Purging the closets? Send them to me!! My girl is dressed entirely in Goodwill and mama-made clothes and we live in a town where the people who donate to Goodwill dress like Mennonites, literally.

    Lily Darger

  9. rubyellen, that apple pie looks amazing. is it homemade? if so, post the recipe!

  10. I am in tears when I read the verse. I am facing a trial right now and sometimes, there is nothing I could do but cry. But I believe, that help is on the way and God is my ever faithful provider. Please help me pray for my baby nephew.. he's still in the hospital. I hope we can collect the money to get him out of there. This really breaks my heart. Anyway, thanks a lot Ruby for inspiring me. :)

  11. maritza- not exactly homemade. first blogged it here: but learned it from here:

    nicajoice: i will pray for you right now! keep trusting God!

    lighteningmyload: um... can i have some chocolate cake?!

  12. Thank you Ruby! I really appreciate it.. :) God bless you always.

  13. First off I have to say how inspiring I find you. Your life and your family, just so adorable. I was at the park the other day, playing with my little girl and I saw a dad and his two little girls who looked so similar to your brood. I thought about you. :)I just discovered your blog a couple of months ago and it has quickly become one of my favorites. Your baby shower was so beautiful and I love your garden. Tomatoes off the vine are one of my favorite foods too.

    This weekend I was inspired to put away some of the delicious summer food we have for the winter. I made a couple large batches of pesto and froze it, I made freezer jam with fresh, local blueberries, I made apple crumble from the apple tree at our community garden and my husband made some teriyaki sauce. Oh and we had a very much needed date night and saw One Day and ate delicious italian food.

    All and all a very satisfying weekend. :)

    ~Crystal- Lilikoi Lane

  14. Such a good verse Ruby and such a good reminder. Thanks for sharing :)


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