August 27, 2011

huzzah, friday (on a saturday)!

I turn around for a minute and the silliest things always happen... Soul puts the ipod in her shirt because that is how she sees me walking around the house, then Brave puts minty foot lotion all over Soul's arms, or Brave and True douse Soul in baby powder all over her body. It doesn't always seem silly at the time, but I guess it isn't so bad that I have time to take a picture!
silly soulie
Friday night was lovely because the girls are at the grandparents and Ben and I had the house to ourselves. Love it! Today we will be relaxing, getting a few things done, going on a date, and maybe adding in some lovin'!

This week's learned and links...

- Soul can say, "Scuse, peas", means "Be excused please?" and "Wa wat", means "Wanna watch" because she wants to watch some book read alouds on the computer.

- The girls love homeschool and are really excited about learning.

- True and Brave are so forgiving to put up with my frustrations when I am not being the best mama.

- Soul is feisty and tries to fight her older sisters.

- We are quite close a to name, at least we got one on the table.

- I need to work on being more encouraging to Ben like in Ephesians 5:22-33.

- Check out my newest living room ideabook on houzz. Would love all those things, definitely out of my budget though!

- I really can't wait for fall to come!

Enjoy some rest this weekend!


  1. I'm so excited for Fall too. Your girls never fail to be adorable.

    xo, rv

  2. Would it be weird to ask, since you aren't planning on more children if you could share your baby names? I guess I'd prefer a private email so everyone that adores you doesn't also use yours names but I'm 2 and 1/2 months from needing a boys name and my husband and I are having the hardest time. Sometimes strangers name suggestions are like a breath of fresh air. Sometimes they just push us closer towards names we're already leaning towards. ..... All of that being said, I cant wait to hear your sweet babies name. Super excited for you.

  3. I love the powder picture. She looks like the ghost kid from Ju-on!

  4. the cakies are darn adorable even in the mischief. can't wait to see #4 added to the mix.

  5. Oh, I about died when my anthro catalog came in and I saw the Euphrates rug. It is awesome... but totally out of our price range at this point in our lives. Who am I kidding, probably at any point! The console is awesome, too!

    Dying to hear the name and sex of the newest cakie... praying for a safe delivery for you both. Blessings.

  6. There have been many of times where I was on the phone w/my friend she walked away for just a little and her little man got into the chocolate syrup or ran with the tp down the hall.
    Kids are curious and messy! or just bratty but we love them! :)

    That has to be nice for you and your hubby for date night - i think that's just always important!

    Can I ask what is on Soul's onesie on the 2nd pictures?

  7. that verse was such a wonderful reminder for me tonight. An answer to a prayer really. Thank you!

  8. Hi! I've followed your blog for a long time and today was catching up a bit on it. I was reminded once again of why I follow... I LOVE your blog! Love seeing your ideas, your sweet girls, and I especially appreciate your genuine reflections of your faith. Blessings!

  9. it must be so exciting to learn new things about your children every day. they sound like really special girls.


  10. soul is totally my favourite..she's adorable!

  11. Hihi your girls are adorable like always :) Scuse peas - my favourite!

  12. Hello! I was wondering where you get the book read alouds? I have two little boys and I think it's something they would love!

  13. I love the girls' names and as an obsessive namer, I am super excited about hearing baby #4's name. May I suggest Poet?

  14. Thank you for sharing this post. Soul is just too cute as always. Excited for you and the new little family member :-) x

  15. Super cute. I also needed the reminder with the verse -- thank you! Once upon a time you were searching for book titles -- just came across this post on Ohdeedoh:

  16. I heard a great message on Ephesians 5:22/23 a couple weeks ago.. It helped Nick & I realize a lot! Totally recommend listening to it, if you have a free moment ;)

  17. eek! can't wait to hear your newest babiescakies' name!

  18. Love the site. Your girls are gorgeous and I can't wait to find out baby #4 names.

    May I suggest some?

    Clover (perfect name for 4th daughter, right?)
    Charm or Charmed

    Good luck


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