July 8, 2011


Soulie was done eating her watermelon and she was trying her darn hardest to drink up the watermelon juice.
soulie done with watermelonsoulie done with watermelon
Oh... we love her!!!

We have a busy weekend coming up. My friend Nina, who was one of two of my maids of honor, is finally getting married on Sunday. As of Thursday night, we have been busy with wedding stuff. Also, tomorrow (7/9) Ben and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary, but due to all the wedding stuff we are not doing anything to celebrate until next weekend. Add to that our regular list of things to do and we are filled to the max!

Links and lessons learned...

- Soulie might be allergic to cantaloupe.

- I have a new love affair with vintage tooled leather handbags like this.

- These urban outfitters wooden shoes, which I loved so much for one week, are cheap and broke and need to go back to the store. Boo! I will now keep dreaming of some good ones like these. Too bad they are way out of my price range.

- Lovin' HypnoBirthing so far and so does Ben as it makes him fall asleep every time.

- My friend Helen just got engaged and her fiance went a poppin' the question in the most adorable way! Read the story here.

- I need to depend on God more in regards to being patient with my girls. If you ever look at me and think "Wow, this lady has got it all together." I really don't. I yell, get frustrated, and then get frustrated with myself that I yelled and got so frustrated. I am not always proud of the way I handle things. Fighting frustration and loving the girls for God's glory is not easy. Thank God his mercies are new every morning! Seriously.

Tomorrow I will have bunch of good giveaways from my lovely sponsors. Make sure to check them out. Have a fun weekend as ours will undoubtedly be a busy one!


  1. love soulie, love you, love your lessons learned... i ALWAYS learn something from you! :)

    enjoy the weekend!! let's play again soon cuz izzie keeps looking at the pics and saying, "friend, friend."

  2. what is up with the low quality shoes this season!?

    and i totally relate about getting frustrated, i need to work on it too!

  3. She is adorable! I love the first picture.

  4. amen to God's mercies being new every morning! I fail at motherhood each and every day... and it only just begun for me! (adopted a little one from Ukraine recently!) So grateful that we have a forgiving Heavenly Father who makes each and every day, a NEW day :)

  5. lin- yeah! lame, right?!! so sad. so sad.

  6. i agree with linda. THE SHOES BROKE? ohh mann.. and i wanted to buy a pair too!

  7. She is so cute! And ditto on the frustration part. I have only have one and I can't even imagine what I would be like with 3 (nearly 4)! Patience is hard to come by but the most important thing about motherhood is that it's an evolutionary process. We learn and grow from every mistake. Hope your busy weekend is a fun one!

  8. that little girlie of yours is so so cute! Sounds like a very busy weekend...happy anniversary! I love your honesty about motherhood. I feel the same way...thank goodness for God's grace!

  9. the shoes broke after ONE week? for shame!

    ps. i'm glad to hear that i'm not the only mom that gets easily frustrated with her little ones...especially after the week i have had..phew.

    God grant me the serenity...

  10. I love your blog!!! I wanted you to know I used your tutorial for your tent and it turned out great (not as good as yours, but eh...good enough) I featured it on my photography blog http://valeriehartphotography.blogspot.com Any way, love all your crafts and reading your posts. Have a happy day :)

  11. Those pictures of your daughter are soo sweet! Just adorable :-)
    Bummer about your shoes. Unfortunately I find that a bunch of products I got at Urban Outfitters lately (or wanted to get until I saw them in person at the store) are not the best quality. They look awesome but at those prices I actually want to be able to wear them a lot for more than just a few weeks before they start breaking ((or loosing color, thin out, loose their shape).

    Anyhow, have a great weekend!

  12. Your girly is soooo cute!

    I have a very mild allergy to cantaloupe. It sometimes makes my mouth itchy and a few times it's made me throw up. I love it so much, though. It's hard to not eat it.

    I am also really wanting a pair of Swedish Hasbeens, but unless there's some mega sale on them sometime soon, it won't be happening.

  13. You are a lovely young Mom to your gorgeous little girls. We are only human and we all sometimes get frustrated. Stay as sweet as you are!

  14. you know- i was not obsessed with the Hasbeens until I saw them everywhere and worn in ridiculously chic ways. Now, though I know I'm a follower, I'm just dying for a pair! Arg!


  15. I bought a pair of shoes from UO and they broke too! I was on vacation, it the middle of Lake George with no other shoes.

  16. Those pictures are adorable, I hope she was able to drink up all that good watermelon juice!
    I too am grateful for God new mercies every morning, because we do the best we can and learn along the way.

  17. Thank you for your Friday posts. i always look forward to them....especially "lessons learned."

    With my three under 4 I am in the same boat. Patience is SOOO hard. Enduring things I don't enjoy is another way i heard patience defined. So true.

    God help us. I will be praying for you!

  18. i just hypnobirthed my baby and it was so helpful! i learned so much from it and the methods and philosophy were really effective for me. good luck!

  19. How cute! I love her hair! <3

  20. Loving reading your blog. I'm a new blogging mummy myself and LOVE all that you're doing to the glory of God.
    We used a hypnobirthing book to prepare for our daugther's birth and had a wonderful drug free experience. She's turning 1 this week! Oh how time flies. Your little Soul is just delightful!


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