June 10, 2011

huzzah, friday!

vintage frames
Today was a good day. Went to the doctor, then hurried home to pick up my girls and baby sister (she slept over) and went thrifting. Oh yeah! Came home with a few goodies, which may or may not include more maxi skirts, some vintage dresses (for when my waistline comes back or for my future shop if I ever find more time), a vintage dress for the girls, and a new collection of teeny vintage frames. I have been re-arranging the family room and Ben suggested more family pictures (we really don't have many around the house), so I was determined to find some vintage frames that would fit what I had in mind. I am excited about those finds most!

Learned and (a need) this week...

- God uses friends to help us follow his particular nudging in our hearts (thanks Danni!) even though it is something we don't want to do.

- It is important to be intentional in teaching your children. If you aren't, the time will pass you by and you will regret you didn't use the time God gave you wisely.

- You all are so supportive (though I already knew that) and I appreciate you having my back with this yucky situation (it seems the fraudulent post has been removed sans an apology).

- I have two favorite colors... turquoise (different shades of it) and kelly green. I really gravitate to those colors a lot.

- Brave tends to mumble when reciting poems back. It is really funny!

- Having a sister who cleans your bathrooms in exchange for etsy goodies is a pretty good deal!

- I really need a yellow/mustard dress for a wedding that I am in (we all get to choose our own dress). Nothing seems to be going well with this baby bump of mine! Any suggestions anyone? I ordered some from modcloth, but none of them work at all. Argh! Help someone!

Ben is on his way home and we have to figure out our Friday night plans. So happy the weekend is here... huzzah!!!


  1. Rubyellen, have you tryed etsy? I've seen some dresses there that are good for bump+wedding...
    I'll find you a link...

  2. http://www.etsy.com/listing/60528724/coda-wrap-dress-in-matte-finish-over-a?ref=sr_gallery_7&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_query=maternity+bridesmaid&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade

    hope it helps!

  3. thalita- i have scoured etsy and can't find a thing! argh!

  4. I have been looking for yellow/mustard dresses for a wedding too. I don't have a baby bump but this may work??


    Also, this site has a decent selection of maternity, not sure if they have any yellow though: http://us.asos.com/Women/?WT.ac=060611_US_Homepage_Women

  5. his particular nudging? DO TELL!
    email me.

  6. http://www.etsy.com/listing/75429086/sale-24-was-30-vintage-dress

    this is the only yellow in my shop now. probably a bit "loud" for the wedding. you are probably looking for a solid. and with the bump, uh I don't know. If anyone will figure it out you will! :)

  7. i have this dress in mustard and i lub it. i don't know how you feel about AA but i think it always looks so cute on pregnant ladies. (jersey is a bump's best friend after all!)

    plus, it is only 25 buckaroonies!


    ps. i've never commented before (i don't think) but i just wanted to say that i love your blog. you have such a great outlook on life and spirituality that i really admire!

  8. love those frames! you always come across the cutest things! Thank you for always inspiring my artistic side and reminding me of God's incredible love for us!



  9. how about buying a white or ivory dress you like and dyeing it the right color? that seems like a very cakies thing to do! love your blog and your positive can-do ways.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Have you tried BHLDN?

    Something like this Limoncello Lace Dress might work with a bit of tweaking?

    Also thismade to order site is worth a look - my friend is getting her bridesmaid dress from there, as she will have just had her baby!

    Otherwise I vote finding the right dress, and dyeing it the colour you need!

  12. I have THIS anthropologie maeve tattered lace dress for sale on ebay , have listed it a few times, Paid $80 for it my bday last yr... still has tags.. MUSTARD YELLOW and runs bigger than a small which is why I havce never worn it.. i thought it was a yellow yellow its a goldy mustard color.. the lace detail is amazing but it runs big in the boob area and huge around the middle.. email me if you want more pics.. i can take some up close karlacola@yahoo.com


  13. oops i forgot to say this dress is not as short as anthro pictures it in their review , its knee length but you could always take it up in the back to match the bump in the front

  14. Hey! I see that a lot of people gave you options for dresses, which is cool... I didn't read them all so I don't know if anyone already said this, but one of my favorite things to do in altering clothing is dying it. So if you found something yellow or light colored or white and liked it, you could dye it mustard yellow. And never assume that if it's rayon or polyester it won't die correctly because I have had things turn out pretty amazing, though wearing those in the summer and pregnant may not be fun at all.

    Or you could just buy something already mustard with all of these suggestions. If I need a certain item, sometimes it's really nice to have an option to just purchase instead of sticking it out and exhausting yourself looking for thrifted finds that don't seem to exist.

    I love your words. I love your honesty and reflections on your kids. I started a blog to keep up with thoughts about our little one coming in December.. I'm not sure how much I like blogging though. So I'm learning to respect people that do it well. I'm too detailed and I don't enjoy writing about how I spend my days but I always get carried away and end up with pages of rambles.

  15. How about sew your own? I know sounds daunting while pregnant but I've found that once I cut something out- and grab a nice tall glass of lemonade or whatever- I can put the kids to bed and get quite a ways done in just one night. Don't underestimate yourself!

  16. Ruby- Have you been on Shabby Apple? Here is a maternity dress...


    It's not exactly mustard, but it is definitely yellow.


  17. I don't know if this dress might be too bright, but it looks like it might work with your baby bump.


  18. i don't know if you were looking for something solid.. but i know you love maxi skirts/dresses


  19. Can you have a print?
    If so, this one is so pretty!


    & this one looks roomy and comfy enough, too (solid color):


    & lastly this one (solid color):


    Good luck! ♥

  20. ...okay, one more:



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