June 3, 2011


garden flowers
This weekend will be spent in the garden. I will have to give you a tiny tour as soon as we get everything cleaned up. Almost all of our tomato plants are in (we have 32 varieties this year) and I just need to make a run to the nursery to get a couple more plants to put in. I am hoping these things will get done tomorrow, but we will see. In my mind things go fast, but in reality, when dealing with three little girls at the same time you are trying to get things done, everything takes a bit longer.

I met with our education specialist for the coming school year today and I am nervous and excited! There will be so much learning going on for everyone in our house. I am excited to see how True (and Brave) progress this year. True is the one officially in kindergarten, but Brave is so close in age that I will be teaching her the same thing as well. And if she doesn't quite get it, well, she will get it again next year! We have actually already started some schooling already, so that when baby comes, which is in a little over 3 short months, we can take some time off to adjust to that new change.

I officially cancelled our cable today as we have decided for sure to not get a television. Those things are expensive and it is an expense we currently can't do, so we are more than happy to go without one. For us, money is better spent elsewhere. Ben and I do have a couple shows we do like to watch, but those can all be caught on Hulu, and we did find we can watch food network shows online too, so all is and will be well.

Plus, after all your comments of how some of you do without a television made me think we can really do without one and it helps we weren't tv people anyways. I think it is just weird to think we don't have one and though we had one, it wasn't used often and was more just a comfort thing. One time waster out the house is always a good thing. And I already have made use of that little cove where the television was and it is now decorated and more useful for interactive family things. Can't wait to share that with you soon.

New things this week...

- Sometimes being the oldest isn't fun and neither is fighting with your sibling(s). Yup! There was a major one this week, which could explain why my posts might have been unexciting.

- My children thrive on structure.

- Be part of helping this family who were victims of the joplin tornado.

- My baby sister is the cutest red bird named Panchito around. Go to Disneyland and see her in the new parade! And don't forget to take a picture like this blogger did.

Ben is cooking up a yummy pasta dinner and we will have family movie night with the girls tonight. Happy weekend all!!!


  1. happy weekend to you too!!!

    my husband was thinking about cuting out our cable, but I kindda like to watch tv while I'm lunching... bad, isn't it? maybe it will be better to let go of the cable after all.

    I admire you so much!!!!! homeschooling with 4 girls in the house? man, you rock!! I'm sure you'll nail it! ;)

    hugs from Brazil!!

  2. thalita- how do you know it isn't three girls and one boy?! we will find out soon enough, won't we?

  3. Sounds lovely! I love spending time outdoors planting. Happy weekend :)

  4. ahahahahah! I'm sorry, Rubyellen! it really wasn't intencional. I guess it's just beacause I pictured you eith 4 girls in my head (I'm betting it is another girl!)

    many hugs to you, have a great weekend!!

  5. I bet you'll have a lot of success teaching the older girls together. I've got a five y.o. (upcoming kindergarten, too) and a 4 y.o, and I've always just taught them everything at the same time. We don't homeschool,but we do a lot of learning at home.

    They have both just learned to read at the same time, and if I were to choose, I'd actually say the 4 y.o. is better at it than the 5 y.o!

  6. That is a mystery how people could live with out t.v - but props to you. I guess more creative people have different outlets.

    I just live in that whole technology world.

  7. missss youuu!!!!!! and NO. your blog posts are ALWAYS EXCITING! bahah.

  8. Hello, new to your blog. Very lovely!


  9. Hooray for doing without the TV! From the time my son was two we did not have a TV until he was in high school. I have not had a TV where I live now for the last ten years! I find I manage quite well without it--watch whatever I want to on my computer and read tons more books each month, listen to baseball on the radio. Best wishes to you in your home schooling endeavors too! I was the resource person for several home schoolers at one time in my educational career. My son's best friend growing up was basically unschooled and he recently graduated from college with honors. I'm sure you will do just fine! I'll keep following your blog for updates! Have a great weekend!

  10. I'm excited to hear about your upcoming adventures in homeschooling!

    So many tomatoes! I would love to have that kind of tomato-growing luck...

  11. You are such an inspiration! I have a one year old and stay home with him, I have noticed that even when the tv is on, neither one of us actually watches it, we have music on for background noise instead and I am thinking about canceling cable as well. I am proud that my son prefers to dance rather than watch tv, and has no idea who the latest cartoon characters are. I am also in awe of your garden, we just built and planted my first one and I am already hooked. I look forward to seeing pictures of your hard work in the garden.

  12. corey- that was encouraging! okay, so maybe they can learn together despite a tiny age gap.

    thalita and stacy- i think cutting out cable isn't that bad, especially since everything is readily available online. it is nice to save pennies here and there. i would much rather save it for something vintage and cool for the house!

  13. hello Rubyellen,

    i love your blog and now that im starting a new one, i just want you to know that you're in the special mention. would love to know your thoughts:) thanks:)


  14. my sis is in Cali right now and has plans to go to Disneyland! I will tell her to look out for your sis!

    ps I am the oldest too and sometimes it sucks because I don't always want to be the responsible and mature one all the time! lol but 99% of the time it's awesome. I bet it's the same for you and this fight is just 1% of it.

  15. Ruby Ellen, I grew up without cable too! As an adult I can honestly say it was one of the best things my parents did! I love that we didn't waste a ton of time in front of the tv, we were constantly doing crafts and playing outside.
    I will probably do the same thing when I have kids! There are many other ways to download or rent shows now too, so you can always watch a series or catch up on a show.

    I'm very thankful my parents decided to go against the grain :)


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