June 28, 2011

DIY rolling garden bed

The final count for tomato varieties we have growing this season is 34. Good golly miss molly!!! We were running out of room that Ben had to build another bed. This time he made a rolling bed and we have it on the concrete. He used redwood and the approximate measurements 4'(w) x 2'(h) x 2'(d), with 4 casters on the bottom for easy rolling (though this thing is pretty heavy, so it does take some muscles). There are different ways to make this, but he followed the same design he used to make the raised beds, which he had originally learned about from Sunset.
diy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden beddiy rolling garden bed
He added wooden poles up the sides and top, so we would be able to string up the tomatoes vertically as they grow. If you look at the raised beds in the first two pictures you could kind of see our tomatoes, but these pictures were taken a month ago and have they have grown like crazy since then! We have already seen some baby tomatoes on many of the plants and we are anxiously awaiting the day we could pick them and eat them up.

I think we are mostly done planting for the season. I got some french broom in (to replace one of the many plants the pocket gopher ate) and some type of growing vine. The heat has now taken over our days and I don't think too many plants will fare well being planted at this time. We learned our lesson from planting last summer as we lost many plants because there was not enough time to get established before the heat set in. I will be ready this Fall to get my Spring plants in, but we will see how that will go as tending to a newborn and the bigger ones will definitely take precedence.

Do you have a Summer garden? What kind of crops do you have?

Once I get the backyard semi-cleaned up, we will give you a little tour soon.


  1. I love to garden! We use the Square Foot Gardening method.
    We have corn, peas, green beans, radishes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, and squash!

  2. Your garden bed looks awesome!! We have two beds in our backyard but your look way better! Yes our tomatoes are taking over too!

    XO Lindsay

  3. wow, that is awesome!! i would love a wooden garden bed for our backyard. i grow about a dozen herbs, but no fruits or veggies. one day.

  4. Do you have any good tomato recipes? We have them coming out our ears too.

  5. Your garden is AH-mazing! Right now we have several tomatoes, poblano peppers, bell peppers, cantaloupe, and a section for cut flowers and gobs of herbs. I'm oohing over your raised beds though! I was too stubborn to go the raised bed route but I might have to cave in and make some in the future. Thanks for sharing your garden and Ben's creation!

  6. Wish I had one as well..

  7. Your garden sounds pretty organized! We just planted ours here recently on the hottest day of course : ) It is such a blessing to have the space to garden. There is nothing better than fresh home grown veggies! well, maybe a few tings but home grown veggies is definitely up there!

  8. I am going to have Joe look at this !
    Love it!

  9. oh wow that's so fancy, was just thinking of sticking mine in a plastic pot! might need more planning...hope you get lots of delicious results!

  10. That's pretty cool idea especially for concrete ground.

    We have eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, roselle,...there are more coming. I am in the process of checking my seeds inventory.

    I also posted our vegetable bed on my blog.

  11. I love your garden! So cute! we have a tiny one, and the squash is taking over! :)

  12. Tell Ben that the raised bed is just gorgeous! Our tomatoes are just about to burst! This year they've taken over the whole bed, crowding out the cucumbers, peppers, herbs and moving next door to take out half of my zinnia garden!!! We keep trimming but it keeps growing. We joined a CSA this year so I'm not as upset as I might have been.

  13. wow!!! Ben is quite the handyman!!! it's quite beautiful!

  14. So precious!! What a great idea!! It looks so nicely done :)

  15. I love that! I might have to make one next year. Do you guys have any potato bins or know any good directions for how to make one? I so want to do that grow 100 lbs on of potatoes in 4 square feet.

    Coincidentally, I just posted about my garden. I got a grant this year at work to restore a greenhouse and garden. I also inherited 9 raised beds (and a lot of space to expand). Some of my readers were asking me about it, so I posted a lot of pictures and talked about what I was growing. Feel free to check it out:


  16. What a beautiful box!
    This week we have been enjoying strawberries, raspberries, peas, spring onions (scallions?) mint, rosemary, thyme and new potatoes from our garden, yum! Makes all the hard work worth it :)


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