May 22, 2011

weekend end

That was us as honeymooners in Fiji almost 6 years ago. We had about 10 months to ourselves before the kids hit and it all has been a whirlwind of life since then. My heart was full then and my heart is still full now. Fuller even! I am still completely in love with this man and choose to be so daily. He really makes my heart swell!

Don't get me wrong. There are fights. Some too painful to maybe even talk about in this space, but they are there. God is good and gracious in allowing us two sinners to choose to continue loving each other daily. When you have two sinners together, it ain't ever an easy thing!

Not sure what got me talking about all of this, but I must say there has been a jumble of things in my heart this weekend. Also, thinking about today's message (perfect timing for what was already stirring in my heart) at our church gathering of looking for the future glory and longing for that more than the present suffering.

A phrase that has been ringing in my heart is "live it well." Am I living this life well? Well isn't defined by how nice my house is, how many vintage collections I have, how much I enjoy my husband, how good my kids are or even how much I love them. Heck! It for sure isn't about my blog or my blog readership. Well is only defined by living for Christ. Letting my future hope in Christ define everything I do. I know I don't live that out for sure.

Today we sang a very familiar hymn and as we sang the line "Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art." I realized my soul wasn't singing. I don't let that truth really sink deep into my soul. I need to. I ought to. I really do want my soul (not just my lips) to sing that line over and over again. I don't want my soul to sing for having a beautiful home, my children, my Ben, or even my blog, I want it to sing for God alone.

Thank you friends for tuning in to the ramblings of my heart and life in this space. You are all appreciated and I want all of you to live life well too.


  1. my favorite hymn ever. I've requested to John (if God takes me before him), that I want that song blaring at my funeral.

    What an amazing God we have.. He loves sinners like us.

  2. Amen Rubes thank-you for being so transparent in this post. I miss your guts. :)

    P.S. I tried to call you today the phone rang and then it went robotic. :( WARNING: I THINK OUR FRIENDSHIP HAS BEEN HACKED. THEY ARE TRYING TO KEEP US APART SO I AM COMING TO SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!

    BTW: since there is a five hour break in between the wedding and reception El and I were thinking about exploring around 3rd st promenade. Join us?

    my parents were here, so i didn't answer my phone (we were wedding planning), but you will get a call tomorrow. must catch up!!!! we aren't going to let anything hack into our friendship!

  4. beautiful Ruby. i tend to scam quickly through blogs since i'm not a bigger reader of them more of a picture looking type because i follow many. but i read yours today and i love how the Lord is using you through your blog. it spoke to me. Jesus is so amazing so much so that i can even begin to wrap my human mind around it. thank goodness for his grace!

  5. i was having similar thoughts today...thanks for sharing, i agree!

  6. lovely post, thought provoking, timely and beautifully written too.

  7. I had the same thought hit me big last December. I had been so obsessed with collecting things, I spent so much brain space and money on something so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. The good Lord overnight freed me from that care. I sold most my "stuff", gave the money to our rescue mission, and haven't replaced anything since. I now realize it was an idol in my life. God is still working on me everyday, it isn't always easy but it's worth the end goal! With each obstacle he pulls me over, the more free I feel. God Bless you, and may your soul sing for God more & more everyday :)

  8. thanks for sharing! i recently started following you for your crafts and photography, but i love how you share such honest and God-honoring thoughts and real struggles. definitely a fan (:

  9. Beautiful picture and beautiful sentiment. I relate to your words, thank you for sharing! Praise God.

  10. I love that hymn!! such a good reminder everyday!

  11. in the midst of a blogworld where we often get caught up in what we have vs. who we are, this is completely refreshing ruby. :) i so look forward to reading your posts every day because they are reflective of a meaningful, thoughtful life and ever-growing faith. :)

  12. Thank-you for sharing this message. It seems a lot of us needed to read that. That hymn sometimes brings me to tears when I know that I too am not letting my soul sing.

    ((hugs)) and prayers for continued living well.

  13. Thank you for your bravery and transparency. God is truly speaking through you. What a great way to start the day!

  14. We sang that hymn today too! It's a favorite. It was part of a melody with How great is our God. It's such a pretty combination!

  15. Thank you for sharing these thoughts today!

  16. I'm not sure why this post made me tear up. I guess that is just such an emotional concept.
    I love reading your blog.

    And everyone does have disagreements/fights and I hate to look back on mine with my husband. They make us who we are today.

  17. Your posts always stir my heart. I've had that on my heart I living this life well? I'm glad for the reminder today to live well and accept the Lord's grace. Have a wonderful Monday!

  18. I love that hymn, one of my faves! I love reading your writing; I always feel better after I come over here and look around!

  19. I love that hymn! The only way to live is to live with hope in Christ! :)

  20. Wow. I normally don't comment (unless I'm going to try to win something) but wanted to say thanks. You reminded me of what's really important today. I appreciate it. :)

  21. thank you for your transparency, about your marriage, raising children, and your walk with God. i love hearing that i'm not the only one who struggles... that God is gracious to all of us trying to walk more like Him each day. i'm not married yet, nor do i have kids (although i do have a serious bf), so hearing about the fact that you fight--when your marriage looks so perfect from the pictures--is a relief... i guess most all couples fight, kiss, and make up. anyway, thank you so much.

  22. I just started following your blog and it is a joy to read. I LOVE finding other creative-born again-bible reading-God-loving-women. Thank you for sharing your heart. God uses times like this to bless others, I know I was blessed. I also have to say that my hubby and I went to Fiji for our 10th and it was amazing! I look forward to when we can go back. We went to Qamea, where did you go?

  23. I want my soul to sing too!! Thanks for expressing in words what so many of us feel sometimes!! That was really uplfiting for me to read on Monday morning!!

  24. I know exactly what you mean.
    I love the "live it well"...
    I am currently reading The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly. I love this man. Check him out. All of his books are fabulous...he is all about becoming the best version of other words, living it well. Being all that God created us to be. Living with passion and purpose.

    I, too, have words, or phrases that jump out at me. At mass this morning, it was REMIND...and ABIDE.
    I love God. I live for Him. But not always...I need to constantly REMIND myself.
    And I want to abide by Him...and live in His for Him...and Him alone.

    Your blog is, for me, a reminder of Gods love. Your talent to write, and share and your eye for detail and vintage and all things beautiful are a God given talent to you...your family, your honesty, your marriage, your faith, your creativity...all inspire and intrigue me to become the best version of myself. To live it well.

    Your shared life is so very much an example of living the Gospel. Not speaking it. But living it.
    And that is a beautiful thing.

  25. beautifully spoken ruby! thank you for your transparency. this resonates with me so deeply. sometimes i need to step back from the blogging world because it can cause me to put more focus on material things(not to mention creating jealousy/causing me to compare myself to others) & less focus on living for Jesus. i pray that we would learn what it means to live a life of praise

  26. that is so well put. so many times i feel like that, not singing on the inside. i realize i'm forgetting to really put my internal focus on what's REALLY important. i get so easily distracted! thankfully God is so patient.

  27. I'm smack-dab in the middle of learning that lesson right now too. My joy, peace and contentment must come from Christ alone. That's so tough to do!

    Thanks for sharing your heart. It's comforting to know that other are out there plugging along too.

  28. yes. yes. yes.
    I love this.

    How Great HE is.


  29. beautiful couple and family!
    Beautiful post!

  30. can i give you all a virtual hug?!!!

  31. Thanks for this post! I'm a faithful reader from Costa Rica. Blogs are like tv sometimes, you see these beautiful lives, beautiful things and clothes and families. And you forget we're all humans, sinners, craving for that something to fill our souls. I'm a believer too! And this post showed me we all go through those rough places sometimes. Right now I'm going through a break-up with a guy I thought was my future husband. And looking at your blog I wished I could have something like what u have. But God's showing me the separation was for the best, and He has and wants the best for me. So I thanks you for helping me heal a little more. For showing that we all feel like that sometimes, and still He loves us and can't wait for us to sing from the soul. And we're getting there. :)
    Blessings & Hugs from Costa Rica.
    U are beautiful!!

  32. Thank you for constantly reminding me of just how good God is to sinners like you and I. It is so refreshing to read a blog that shows God's grace, beauty, and faithfulness almost daily. You are such an inspiration and I am very thankful for your blog.

    We find freedom in The Lord and for that, I am truly greatful!

  33. Been a long time lurker of your blog. I always feel 'so many readers... Who am I to comment?' She wouldnt even notice or care... But, this spoke to my heart vibrantly. I enjoy a transparent, tell it like it is kind of Christian gal. I look up to you. I too, blog all over the place -those are the best kind. But yours is more than that, it's a ministry...

  34. Ruby, I truly love reading your spiritual posts! I am super inspired by your craftyness too, but I am really very inspired my your desire to better yourself, your humility. We all need to reflect and repent every day! I too want my soul to sing for God for he truly is the GREATEST! :) Thanks for reminding me where my heart should be. :)

  35. P.S. I want to put "Live It Well" on my wall somewhere now!

  36. it's great that you can talk about God and your life in respect to Him so freely. I hope to one day be able to do the same.

  37. It's always a question for me - what is it that I need to do, how do I do it, do I do it right for God? I read many books, but they all got it figured out, and it never works this way.
    But I think it is a neverending journey.
    Sometimes we don't realize that we do things that God wants us to do, and those are the best, cause they don't bring pride...

  38. Thank you so much for sharing this... it's a great reminder and so encouraging! I love your blog for exactly this reason!!!

  39. Maybe you don't see it like we do, or at least I do, but you give God all the glory through your blog, your family, your home (not just a pretty house), and your kindness... this is why so many people love you. You are honest and have a good heart... and you're human so we can totally relate!!! I think all the things you do can fall under being a good steward of what you were given on earth... that's important. Faith can be a quiet reverence or a soul moving experience... each is just as wonderful in God's eyes and both will happen when you love Him.

  40. Thanks for putting yourself out there and reminding us what is important - it's not about who we are are what we've done but about who He is and what He's done!


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