August 6, 2009

out at sea (world)

We loved it. We were in awe. We got tired. We got a years worth of Sea World ahead of us.
she's a big girl now!
pink flamingos
look pink!
look mommy!
go three go!
at shamu rocks
Brave had a very good birthday and she says thank you for all the happy love! See more pictures here.


  1. Love the title of this post! Great shots.

  2. Love your pictures... if only my first trip to sea world was that exciting. maybe things have improved since I was I was 13!

  3. oh fun! Happy birthday to Brave :-)

  4. what a great birthday!! those flamingoes are almost fluro!! Awesome.

  5. I'm so glad that you had fun, and especially that you got annual passes. Please give me a call sometime when you are coming out again. I live about ten minutes away and would love to meet up with you even just to say hi :O)

    Love, Susan

  6. SO fun! Your girlies are adorable...

  7. my kids love Sea World, they never get tired of it...we have the 2 yr passes that have renewed every year since Ethan was little.

    Happy Birthday Brave! too bad we missed you guys when we were out there...we got to see your family tho! Enzo and Lizzie loves RJ and Andrew...

  8. these photos are stunning rubyellen!

  9. We're actually planning a trip there now!

  10. Brave looks adorable and totally enjoying!

  11. Oh my! Look how long and beautiful True's hair is now! Lovely!


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