Which is not nearly as bad as True's mess...
And her lunch mess...
And the girls took nice afternoon naps, while I tried to do more work for Benny. This is Brave napping...
And through a cracked open door to her room, this is how True looks napping...
I do have some fun things that I just got. My new pattern book and some more fabric that will be used for my list of projects waiting to get started, but only after I clean the house!!! Also, I started a new crafting medium and I am in the process of taking lessons. My mom also showed me a new trick tonight...
Benny is going out of town tomorrow and taking the computer with him. I will say farewell to all my online doings for the next few days, which is just as well because I have a house to clean, clips to make, and projects to start on. So maybe when he returns, I will cross off some of the things on my to do list...
Lord, please keep our Benny safe as he goes off to provide for our family. Keep him alert as he drives and give him energy to carry out all the tasks at hand. And bring him home safely...
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